What is the SEED MICAT Project?

SEED MICAT - Support Energy Efficiency Deployment with the Multiple Impacts CAlculation Tool, aims to help EU and member states at national, regional and local governance levels in including Multiple Impacts (MI) in their implementation of the Energy Efficiency First (EE1) principle. Basing this on strong and reliable analytical tools, SEED MICAT is thus "sowing the seeds" for a broad application of the principle.

Considering MI in target setting argues for a fast phase-out of fossil fuels but also for a careful analysis of MI related to different pathways to climate neutrality, with varying contributions from energy demand and energy supply options.

Therefore, the project extends its MI framework to include renewable energy sources, advocates integrating policy modules, and showcases how it applies at different levels. SEED MICAT also includes replication analysis, capacity building, and a strong dissemination approach to promote knowledge on implementing the EE1 principle.


Timeline of the MICAT project
Timeline of the MICAT project


The major objective of SEED MICAT is to support the EU and its Member States at all governance levels in including Multiple Impacts in their operationalisation and implementation of the Energy Efficiency First principle, based on strong and reliable analytical tools. The following specific objectives is key to the project:


Extending the scope of and improving the MICATool to allow the analysis of potentially competing or complementary paths and options to climate neutrality: to support the principal's operationalisation, the Multiple Impacts framework is extended to renewable energy sources, thus making pathways relying on different policy mixes towards climate neutrality comparable. Furthermore, the learnings from the REFEREE and the Assessment Tool projects are used to add a policy assessment module to the MICATool, enabling policy makers to assess single and cross-sectoral policies. Finally, in consultation with policy makers and officials from the EU, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Germany, tool improvements will be provided.


Integrating Multiple Impacts in political processes at European, national, regional, and local governance levels: The EU will incorporate Multiple Impacts assessments using MICATool in upcoming reference and climate neutrality scenarios. This establishes a methodological foundation for Impact Assessments and EU reporting on the Multiple Impacts of climate neutrality pathways, aligning with the EE1 principle. Similarly, SEED MICAT will serve as a basis for reporting by EU Member States, showcasing diverse applications at the national level. The project also aims to implement MICATool at regional and local levels to aid decision-making in these governance contexts.


Enhancing the use of Multiple Impacts in concrete policy processes: SEED MICAT will develop three concrete implementation concepts for Multiple Impact analyses: specific analyses on import dependencies, energy system resilience, and biodiversity impacts; capacity building on MICATool and related methodologies for various governance levels; and a methodology for replicating analyses from selected Member States to others evaluating climate neutrality options. The project also prioritises a robust communication and dissemination strategy to maximize the practical use of Multiple Impacts in impact assessment and policy analysis across European, national, regional, and local scales.

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As of December 2023, the SEED MICAT newsletter will be integrated into the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy’s (IEECP) monthly newsletter. This will serve as a news channel to disseminate updates about multiple EU projects centred on energy efficiency, energy poverty, and other relevant topics. If you wish to receive news about the SEED MICAT project via IEECP’s newsletter, subscribe to stay updated!


You will be kept updated once a month with relevant content related to the project’s findings, news, publications, and events.

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